Blood of My Blood [S6E06]

6×06: A book character makes his long awaited debut, we discuss the hypocrisy of the Faceless Men, and come up with more strange theories.

The Door [S6E05]

6×05: Much has been taken from us this week, and much has been revealed. As we discuss this week’s gut-wrenching episode from the ruins of the former studio, Tim is fixated by the new neighbor and we are interrupted by a pressing phone call.

Book of the Stranger [S6E04]

6×04: Loras Tyrell has allergies, Game of Thrones introduces yet another bird to the cast, Mike adds another name to his Hall of Annoying Faces, and we formulate the cure to Greyscale.

Oathbreaker [S6E03]

6×03: What the deal with all these birds?! A Man, A Man, and A Girl discuss a disturbing trend in the shortcomings of characters this season. A new Jon Snow parentage theory is discussed in the wake of Bran’s latest vision. And surprise surprise… book lovers are upset again.

Home [S6E02]

6×02: Tim and Mike are joined by long time friend, and Game of Thrones fan, Frank Cashion as they discuss the episode “Home.” Sarah and Chris send in their thoughts. The gang theorizes on the future of a returning character… that’s when things get weird.

The Red Woman [S6E01]

6×01: Tim, Sarah and Mike discuss the season 6 premiere of Game of Thrones. Chris sends in his thoughts.

Your Watchers


Producer / Host
Tim hosts and produces our podcasts for Game of Thrones, Westworld and His Dark Materials, and Executive Produces episodes by Guest Contributors.


Mike is the co-host for many of the Watchers on the Couch series, and is the primary host for our Better Call Saul series.


Guest Contributor
Chris has been a long time contributor to several Watchers on the Couch editions, and has previously hosted coverage of Hulu's Castle Rock series and several episodes of Watchers at the Movies.
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