Captain Marvel (2019) Review
Chris Naes, Debby Hodges, and Nick Beck discuss the Marvel Cinematic Universe debut of Captain Marvel starring Brie Larson and Samuel L Jackson.
IT 1990 Miniseries Special!
Debby and Chris return to give you a special episode about the two-part television event from 1990, Stephen King’s IT! Pennywise’ teeth close-ups, bloody water balloons, and lots of other scary stuff couldn’t keep us away from this…unique pair of movies! Enjoy! We would love to hear your feedback! Feel free to send us a […]
Aquaman (2018) Review
“Colorguard to Victory” Do you really need Willem Dafoe’s help to learn special moves? Tim, Jimmy and Nick deep dive (HA!) into Aquaman, one of the most enjoyable DC movies to date. Jimmy has a new Man Crush Monday. Nick tries out his YouTube intro. Tim wonders if Nicole Kidman is actually CGI. If you […]
“It Takes You Away” (S11E09) Review
Someone is trying way too hard to be a junior level David Lynch, in an otherwise amazing episode. Is the show finally hitting stride now that it’s only inches away from the finish line? Sarah and Tim give you the rundown of the episode and discuss THAT scene. November Episode of Watchers at the Movies […]
“Kerblam!” and “The Witchfinders” (S11E7&8) Review
Tim and Sarah recap and review episodes 7 and 8 of the 11th Series of Doctor Who. In “Who News” we have updates on Series 12 and a boatload of unsubstantiated rumors. Click through to our website, our show notes are loaded this week!
Fantastic Beasts 2 (2018) Review
Debby, Nick, Tim and Sarah dive into the Wizarding World after seeing the latest film in the Fantastic Beast series. We discuss our favorite beasts, the sudden change in the pronunciation of Grindlewald, and, of course, more bad theater patrons!