6×03: What the deal with all these birds?! A Man, A Man, and A Girl discuss a disturbing trend in the shortcomings of characters this season. A new Jon Snow parentage theory is discussed in the wake of Bran’s latest vision. And surprise surprise… book lovers are upset again.
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Westworld: The Passenger (WTF?!) [S2E10]
It’s the season finale of Westworld, and we may have been left with more questions that answers. In case you missed it, there’s a post-credit scene at the end. If you haven’t seen it, go back and watch it before you listen to this episode. It’s the WTF of all WTFs!
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“It Takes You Away” (S11E09) Review
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November Episode of Watchers at the Movies
In case you missed it, our Watchers at the Movies episode for Fantastic Beasts 2 is out. Next week we’ll announce the December episode, which we’ve narrowed down to Aquaman and Once Upon a Deadpool. Be sure to vote on this week’s Twitter poll.
Now that December's here we really need to decide which movie we're going to talk about this month. We've tallied our votes from around our socials, and it's between #Aquaman and #OnceUponADeadpool! We'll announce the winner on the #DoctorWho series finale episode next week. 🙂
— Watchers On Couch (@wotcpod) December 8, 2018
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“The Tsuranga Conundrum” (S11E05) Review
Hold on to your pajamas! We’re halfway through the season, but according to Doctor Boo Hoo, some people are through with Who altogether. Tim introduces Doctor Woo Hoo as he and Sarah discuss the latest episode of General Space Hospital.